Batter Fried Deerhorn Mushrooms

30 Min Prep Time
30 Min Cook Time
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Submitted by Janet Fossey of Indivisible Take Action Now, Missouri. Janet’s Great Grandmother Sadie Eudy is the author of these recipes. 

30 Min Prep Time
30 Min Cook Time

Batter Fried Deerhorn Mushrooms


  • 1 pound well cleaned mushrooms, well drained
  • 1 cup self-rising flour
  • 1 egg
  • Salt as desired
  • 1 cup milk


Blend flour, egg, salt and enough milk to make a not too thin batter, then gently fold in mushrooms until well covered with batter. Drop by small pieces or spoonfuls into hot oil and cook until well browned. Serve with sauce of catsup and horseradish.

You can use any edible mushrooms that you can find in the woods.

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